Arsip untuk Maret, 2010

Resume of the Practices of an Agile developer

Practices of an agile developer is a good book for all developers, be it a beginner developer, or an expert developer. This book’s cover the aspect which is very important all the developer aiming to be a better team player (team member). Consisted of nine chapters, this book explains the very foundation of Agile is. The very first chapter of this book explains that the world of developing software is not as simple and linear as a deterministic road (proverbial road). But it is described more like surfing, which we will encounter a very dynamic and unpredictable seas, and maybe even sharks!

Agile, mentioned in this book, refers to ability to be able to react quickly, and adapt to the situations. As mentioned before, the world of developing software is very similar to the sea, where the waves are constantly changing and unpredictable. The ability to adapt to situation, both on surfing (as described as example), and developing software, are very crucial to reach our goal.

The most interesting things mentioned in chapter one, is the agile manifesto. Agile manifesto is a manifestation of ideas of seventeen people, discussing about emerging trend, something called Lightweight Process. Agile manifesto stated that:

  1. Individual and interactions valued more over processes and tools
  2. Working software valued more over comprehensive documentations.
  3. Customer collaboration valued more over contract negotiations.
  4. Responding to change valued more over following a plan.

All the point stated in agile manifesto, valued more interactions and the ability to deliver a final product (which is working software) over the things mentioned on the right hand side. The importance of continuous feedback in agile development are huge, because agile developments, relies on constant feedback to make constant adjustment in a highly collaborative environment.

continued later…..

New Chapter of My Life

Pas pelatihan tadi pagi, gw dapet tlp dari no yang gua tunggu dari kemaren….perusahaan yang gua lamar, nlp gua, dan nyuruh gw tandatangan kontrak, alhamdulillah, setelah lama nganggur, gw dapet kerjaan lagi.

mudah mudahan ini awal dari banyak hal yang indah.
